arXiv reaDer
DexDiffuser: Interaction-aware Diffusion Planning for Adaptive Dexterous Manipulation
Dexterous manipulation with contact-rich interactions is crucial for advanced robotics. While recent diffusion-based planning approaches show promise for simpler manipulation tasks, they often produce unrealistic ghost states (e.g., the object automatically moves without hand contact) or lack adaptability when handling complex sequential interactions. In this work, we introduce DexDiffuser, an interaction-aware diffusion planning framework for adaptive dexterous manipulation. DexDiffuser models joint state-action dynamics through a dual-phase diffusion process which consists of pre-interaction contact alignment and post-contact goal-directed control, enabling goal-adaptive generalizable dexterous manipulation. Additionally, we incorporate dynamics model-based dual guidance and leverage large language models for automated guidance function generation, enhancing generalizability for physical interactions and facilitating diverse goal adaptation through language cues. Experiments on physical interaction tasks such as door opening, pen and block re-orientation, and hammer striking demonstrate DexDiffuser's effectiveness on goals outside training distributions, achieving over twice the average success rate (59.2% vs. 29.5%) compared to existing methods. Our framework achieves 70.0% success on 30-degree door opening, 40.0% and 36.7% on pen and block half-side re-orientation respectively, and 46.7% on hammer nail half drive, highlighting its robustness and flexibility in contact-rich manipulation.
updated: Mon Dec 09 2024 17:28:07 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Nov 27 2024 18:03:26 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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