arXiv reaDer
HyperGLM: HyperGraph for Video Scene Graph Generation and Anticipation
Multimodal LLMs have advanced vision-language tasks but still struggle with understanding video scenes. To bridge this gap, Video Scene Graph Generation (VidSGG) has emerged to capture multi-object relationships across video frames. However, prior methods rely on pairwise connections, limiting their ability to handle complex multi-object interactions and reasoning. To this end, we propose Multimodal LLMs on a Scene HyperGraph (HyperGLM), promoting reasoning about multi-way interactions and higher-order relationships. Our approach uniquely integrates entity scene graphs, which capture spatial relationships between objects, with a procedural graph that models their causal transitions, forming a unified HyperGraph. Significantly, HyperGLM enables reasoning by injecting this unified HyperGraph into LLMs. Additionally, we introduce a new Video Scene Graph Reasoning (VSGR) dataset featuring 1.9M frames from third-person, egocentric, and drone views and supports five tasks: Scene Graph Generation, Scene Graph Anticipation, Video Question Answering, Video Captioning, and Relation Reasoning. Empirically, HyperGLM consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods across five tasks, effectively modeling and reasoning complex relationships in diverse video scenes.
updated: Wed Nov 27 2024 04:24:39 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Nov 27 2024 04:24:39 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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