arXiv reaDer
Pixel-aligned RGB-NIR Stereo Imaging and Dataset for Robot Vision
Integrating RGB and NIR stereo imaging provides complementary spectral information, potentially enhancing robotic 3D vision in challenging lighting conditions. However, existing datasets and imaging systems lack pixel-level alignment between RGB and NIR images, posing challenges for downstream vision tasks. In this paper, we introduce a robotic vision system equipped with pixel-aligned RGB-NIR stereo cameras and a LiDAR sensor mounted on a mobile robot. The system simultaneously captures pixel-aligned pairs of RGB stereo images, NIR stereo images, and temporally synchronized LiDAR points. Utilizing the mobility of the robot, we present a dataset containing continuous video frames under diverse lighting conditions. We then introduce two methods that utilize the pixel-aligned RGB-NIR images: an RGB-NIR image fusion method and a feature fusion method. The first approach enables existing RGB-pretrained vision models to directly utilize RGB-NIR information without fine-tuning. The second approach fine-tunes existing vision models to more effectively utilize RGB-NIR information. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of using pixel-aligned RGB-NIR images across diverse lighting conditions.
updated: Mon Dec 02 2024 12:42:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Nov 27 2024 03:44:21 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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