arXiv reaDer
Passive Deepfake Detection Across Multi-modalities: A Comprehensive Survey
In recent years, deepfakes (DFs) have been utilized for malicious purposes, such as individual impersonation, misinformation spreading, and artists' style imitation, raising questions about ethical and security concerns. However, existing surveys have focused on accuracy performance of passive DF detection approaches for single modalities, such as image, video or audio. This comprehensive survey explores passive approaches across multiple modalities, including image, video, audio, and multi-modal domains, and extend our discussion beyond detection accuracy, including generalization, robustness, attribution, and interpretability. Additionally, we discuss threat models for passive approaches, including potential adversarial strategies and different levels of adversary knowledge and capabilities. We also highlights current challenges in DF detection, including the lack of generalization across different generative models, the need for comprehensive trustworthiness evaluation, and the limitations of existing multi-modal approaches. Finally, we propose future research directions that address these unexplored and emerging issues in the field of passive DF detection, such as adaptive learning, dynamic benchmark, holistic trustworthiness evaluation, and multi-modal detectors for talking-face video generation.
updated: Tue Nov 26 2024 22:04:49 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Nov 26 2024 22:04:49 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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