arXiv reaDer
Path-RAG: Knowledge-Guided Key Region Retrieval for Open-ended Pathology Visual Question Answering
Accurate diagnosis and prognosis assisted by pathology images are essential for cancer treatment selection and planning. Despite the recent trend of adopting deep-learning approaches for analyzing complex pathology images, they fall short as they often overlook the domain-expert understanding of tissue structure and cell composition. In this work, we focus on a challenging Open-ended Pathology VQA (PathVQA-Open) task and propose a novel framework named Path-RAG, which leverages HistoCartography to retrieve relevant domain knowledge from pathology images and significantly improves performance on PathVQA-Open. Admitting the complexity of pathology image analysis, Path-RAG adopts a human-centered AI approach by retrieving domain knowledge using HistoCartography to select the relevant patches from pathology images. Our experiments suggest that domain guidance can significantly boost the accuracy of LLaVA-Med from 38% to 47%, with a notable gain of 28% for H&E-stained pathology images in the PathVQA-Open dataset. For longer-form question and answer pairs, our model consistently achieves significant improvements of 32.5% in ARCH-Open PubMed and 30.6% in ARCH-Open Books on H\&E images. Our code and dataset is available here (
updated: Tue Nov 26 2024 03:22:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Nov 26 2024 03:22:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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