arXiv reaDer
LibraGrad: Balancing Gradient Flow for Universally Better Vision Transformer Attributions
Why do gradient-based explanations struggle with Transformers, and how can we improve them? We identify gradient flow imbalances in Transformers that violate FullGrad-completeness, a critical property for attribution faithfulness that CNNs naturally possess. To address this issue, we introduce LibraGrad -- a theoretically grounded post-hoc approach that corrects gradient imbalances through pruning and scaling of backward paths, without changing the forward pass or adding computational overhead. We evaluate LibraGrad using three metric families: Faithfulness, which quantifies prediction changes under perturbations of the most and least relevant features; Completeness Error, which measures attribution conservation relative to model outputs; and Segmentation AP, which assesses alignment with human perception. Extensive experiments across 8 architectures, 4 model sizes, and 4 datasets show that LibraGrad universally enhances gradient-based methods, outperforming existing white-box methods -- including Transformer-specific approaches -- across all metrics. We demonstrate superior qualitative results through two complementary evaluations: precise text-prompted region highlighting on CLIP models and accurate class discrimination between co-occurring animals on ImageNet-finetuned models -- two settings on which existing methods often struggle. LibraGrad is effective even on the attention-free MLP-Mixer architecture, indicating potential for extension to other modern architectures. Our code is freely available at
updated: Sun Nov 24 2024 15:02:52 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Nov 24 2024 15:02:52 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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