arXiv reaDer
Monocular Lane Detection Based on Deep Learning: A Survey
Lane detection plays an important role in autonomous driving perception systems. As deep learning algorithms gain popularity, monocular lane detection methods based on them have demonstrated superior performance and emerged as a key research direction in autonomous driving perception. The core designs of these algorithmic frameworks can be summarized as follows: (1) Task paradigm, focusing on lane instance-level discrimination; (2) Lane modeling, representing lanes as a set of learnable parameters in the neural network; (3) Global context supplementation, enhancing inference on the obscure lanes; (4) Perspective effect elimination, providing accurate 3D lanes for downstream applications. From these perspectives, this paper presents a comprehensive overview of existing methods, encompassing both the increasingly mature 2D lane detection approaches and the developing 3D lane detection works. Besides, this paper compares the performance of mainstream methods on different benchmarks and investigates their inference speed under a unified setting for fair comparison. Moreover, we present some extended works on lane detection, including multi-task perception, video lane detection, online high-definition map construction, and lane topology reasoning, to offer readers a comprehensive roadmap for the evolution of lane detection. Finally, we point out some potential future research directions in this field. We exhaustively collect the papers and codes of existing works at and will keep tracing the research.
updated: Mon Dec 02 2024 07:05:29 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Nov 25 2024 12:09:43 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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