arXiv reaDer
Gaussian Scenes: Pose-Free Sparse-View Scene Reconstruction using Depth-Enhanced Diffusion Priors
In this work, we introduce a generative approach for pose-free reconstruction of 360^∘ scenes from a limited number of uncalibrated 2D images. Pose-free scene reconstruction from incomplete, unposed observations is usually regularized with depth estimation or 3D foundational priors. While recent advances have enabled sparse-view reconstruction of unbounded scenes with known camera poses using diffusion priors, these methods rely on explicit camera embeddings for extrapolating unobserved regions. This reliance limits their application in pose-free settings, where view-specific data is only implicitly available. To address this, we propose an instruction-following RGBD diffusion model designed to inpaint missing details and remove artifacts in novel view renders and depth maps of a 3D scene. We also propose a novel confidence measure for Gaussian representations to allow for better detection of these artifacts. By progressively integrating these novel views in a Gaussian-SLAM-inspired process, we achieve a multi-view-consistent Gaussian representation. Evaluations on the MipNeRF360 dataset demonstrate that our method surpasses existing pose-free techniques and performs competitively with state-of-the-art posed reconstruction methods in complex 360^∘ scenes.
updated: Sun Nov 24 2024 19:34:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Nov 24 2024 19:34:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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