arXiv reaDer
Towards RAW Object Detection in Diverse Conditions
Existing object detection methods often consider sRGB input, which was compressed from RAW data using ISP originally designed for visualization. However, such compression might lose crucial information for detection, especially under complex light and weather conditions. We introduce the AODRaw dataset, which offers 7,785 high-resolution real RAW images with 135,601 annotated instances spanning 62 categories, capturing a broad range of indoor and outdoor scenes under 9 distinct light and weather conditions. Based on AODRaw that supports RAW and sRGB object detection, we provide a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating current detection methods. We find that sRGB pre-training constrains the potential of RAW object detection due to the domain gap between sRGB and RAW, prompting us to directly pre-train on the RAW domain. However, it is harder for RAW pre-training to learn rich representations than sRGB pre-training due to the camera noise. To assist RAW pre-training, we distill the knowledge from an off-the-shelf model pre-trained on the sRGB domain. As a result, we achieve substantial improvements under diverse and adverse conditions without relying on extra pre-processing modules. Code and dataset are available at
updated: Sun Nov 24 2024 01:23:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Nov 24 2024 01:23:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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