arXiv reaDer
How Texts Help? A Fine-grained Evaluation to Reveal the Role of Language in Vision-Language Tracking
Vision-language tracking (VLT) extends traditional single object tracking by incorporating textual information, providing semantic guidance to enhance tracking performance under challenging conditions like fast motion and deformations. However, current VLT trackers often underperform compared to single-modality methods on multiple benchmarks, with semantic information sometimes becoming a "distraction." To address this, we propose VLTVerse, the first fine-grained evaluation framework for VLT trackers that comprehensively considers multiple challenge factors and diverse semantic information, hoping to reveal the role of language in VLT. Our contributions include: (1) VLTVerse introduces 10 sequence-level challenge labels and 6 types of multi-granularity semantic information, creating a flexible and multi-dimensional evaluation space for VLT; (2) leveraging 60 subspaces formed by combinations of challenge factors and semantic types, we conduct systematic fine-grained evaluations of three mainstream SOTA VLT trackers, uncovering their performance bottlenecks across complex scenarios and offering a novel perspective on VLT evaluation; (3) through decoupled analysis of experimental results, we examine the impact of various semantic types on specific challenge factors in relation to different algorithms, providing essential guidance for enhancing VLT across data, evaluation, and algorithmic dimensions. The VLTVerse, toolkit, and results will be available at
updated: Sat Nov 23 2024 16:31:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Nov 23 2024 16:31:40 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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