arXiv reaDer
Point Cloud Understanding via Attention-Driven Contrastive Learning
Recently Transformer-based models have advanced point cloud understanding by leveraging self-attention mechanisms, however, these methods often overlook latent information in less prominent regions, leading to increased sensitivity to perturbations and limited global comprehension. To solve this issue, we introduce PointACL, an attention-driven contrastive learning framework designed to address these limitations. Our method employs an attention-driven dynamic masking strategy that guides the model to focus on under-attended regions, enhancing the understanding of global structures within the point cloud. Then we combine the original pre-training loss with a contrastive learning loss, improving feature discrimination and generalization. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of PointACL, as it achieves state-of-the-art performance across a variety of 3D understanding tasks, including object classification, part segmentation, and few-shot learning. Specifically, when integrated with different Transformer backbones like Point-MAE and PointGPT, PointACL demonstrates improved performance on datasets such as ScanObjectNN, ModelNet40, and ShapeNetPart. This highlights its superior capability in capturing both global and local features, as well as its enhanced robustness against perturbations and incomplete data.
updated: Fri Nov 22 2024 05:41:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Nov 22 2024 05:41:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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