arXiv reaDer
dc-GAN: Dual-Conditioned GAN for Face Demorphing From a Single Morph
A facial morph is an image created by combining two face images pertaining to two distinct identities. Face demorphing inverts the process and tries to recover the original images constituting a facial morph. While morph attack detection (MAD) techniques can be used to flag morph images, they do not divulge any visual information about the faces used to create them. Demorphing helps address this problem. Existing demorphing techniques are either very restrictive (assume identities during testing) or produce feeble outputs (both outputs look very similar). In this paper, we overcome these issues by proposing dc-GAN, a novel GAN-based demorphing method conditioned on the morph images. Our method overcomes morph-replication and produces high quality reconstructions of the bonafide images used to create the morphs. Moreover, our method is highly generalizable across demorphing paradigms (differential/reference-free). We conduct experiments on AMSL, FRLL-Morphs and MorDiff datasets to showcase the efficacy of our method.
updated: Tue Dec 03 2024 17:07:25 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Nov 20 2024 19:24:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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