arXiv reaDer
Improved GUI Grounding via Iterative Narrowing
Graphical User Interface (GUI) grounding plays a crucial role in enhancing the capabilities of Vision-Language Model (VLM) agents. While general VLMs, such as GPT-4V, demonstrate strong performance across various tasks, their proficiency in GUI grounding remains suboptimal. Recent studies have focused on fine-tuning these models specifically for one-shot GUI grounding, yielding significant improvements over baseline performance. We introduce a visual prompting framework that employs an iterative narrowing mechanism to improve the performance of both general and fine-tuned models in GUI grounding by up to 61%. For evaluation, we tested our method on a comprehensive benchmark comprising various UI platforms and provided the code to reproduce our results.
updated: Thu Nov 28 2024 06:24:27 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Nov 18 2024 05:47:12 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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