arXiv reaDer
CFPNet: Improving Lightweight ToF Depth Completion via Cross-zone Feature Propagation
Depth completion using lightweight time-of-flight (ToF) depth sensors is attractive due to their low cost. However, lightweight ToF sensors usually have a limited field of view (FOV) compared with cameras. Thus, only pixels in the zone area of the image can be associated with depth signals. Previous methods fail to propagate depth features from the zone area to the outside-zone area effectively, thus suffering from degraded depth completion performance outside the zone. To this end, this paper proposes the CFPNet to achieve cross-zone feature propagation from the zone area to the outside-zone area with two novel modules. The first is a direct-attention-based propagation module (DAPM), which enforces direct cross-zone feature acquisition. The second is a large-kernel-based propagation module (LKPM), which realizes cross-zone feature propagation by utilizing convolution layers with kernel sizes up to 31. CFPNet achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) depth completion performance by combining these two modules properly, as verified by extensive experimental results on the ZJU-L5 dataset. The code will be made public.
updated: Sat Nov 23 2024 12:06:12 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Nov 07 2024 07:19:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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