arXiv reaDer
VQA^2: Visual Question Answering for Video Quality Assessment
The advent and proliferation of large multi-modal models (LMMs) have introduced new paradigms to computer vision, transforming various tasks into a unified visual question answering framework. Video Quality Assessment (VQA), a classic field in low-level visual perception, focused initially on quantitative video quality scoring. However, driven by advances in LMMs, it is now progressing toward more holistic visual quality understanding tasks. Recent studies in the image domain have demonstrated that Visual Question Answering (VQA) can markedly enhance low-level visual quality evaluation. Nevertheless, related work has not been explored in the video domain, leaving substantial room for improvement. To address this gap, we introduce the VQA2 Instruction Dataset - the first visual question answering instruction dataset that focuses on video quality assessment. This dataset consists of 3 subsets and covers various video types, containing 157,755 instruction question-answer pairs. Then, leveraging this foundation, we present the VQA2 series models. The VQA2 series models interleave visual and motion tokens to enhance the perception of spatial-temporal quality details in videos. We conduct extensive experiments on video quality scoring and understanding tasks, and results demonstrate that the VQA2series models achieve excellent performance in both tasks. Notably, our final model, the VQA2-Assistant, exceeds the renowned GPT-4o in visual quality understanding tasks while maintaining strong competitiveness in quality scoring tasks. Our work provides a foundation and feasible approach for integrating low-level video quality assessment and understanding with LMMs.
updated: Mon Dec 02 2024 12:09:39 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Nov 06 2024 09:39:52 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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