arXiv reaDer
Cross-D Conv: Cross-Dimensional Transferable Knowledge Base via Fourier Shifting Operation
In biomedical imaging analysis, the dichotomy between 2D and 3D data presents a significant challenge. While 3D volumes offer superior real-world applicability, they are less available for each modality and not easy to train in large scale, whereas 2D samples are abundant but less comprehensive. This paper introduces the Cross-D Conv operation, a novel approach that bridges the dimensional gap by learning the phase shifting in the Fourier domain. Our method enables seamless weight transfer between 2D and 3D convolution operations, effectively facilitating cross-dimensional learning. The proposed architecture leverages the abundance of 2D training data to enhance 3D model performance, offering a practical solution to the multimodal data scarcity challenge in 3D medical model pretraining. Experimental validation on the RadImagenet (2D) and multimodal (3D) sets demonstrates that our approach achieves comparable or superior performance in feature quality assessment comparable to conventional methods. The enhanced convolution operation presents new opportunities for developing efficient classification and segmentation models in medical imaging. This work represents an advancement in cross-dimensional and multi-modal medical image analysis, offering a robust framework for utilizing 2D priors in 3D model pretraining or vice versa while maintaining computational efficiency.
updated: Tue Nov 26 2024 19:41:29 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Nov 02 2024 13:03:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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