arXiv reaDer
AIDOVECL: AI-generated Dataset of Outpainted Vehicles for Eye-level Classification and Localization
Image labeling is a critical bottleneck in the development of computer vision technologies, often constraining the potential of machine learning models due to the time-intensive nature of manual annotations. This work introduces a novel approach that leverages outpainting to address the problem of annotated data scarcity by generating artificial contexts and annotations, significantly reducing manual labeling efforts. We apply this technique to a particularly acute challenge in autonomous driving, urban planning, and environmental monitoring: the lack of diverse, eye-level vehicle images in desired classes. Our dataset comprises AI-generated vehicle images obtained by detecting and cropping vehicles from manually selected seed images, which are then outpainted onto larger canvases to simulate varied real-world conditions. The outpainted images include detailed annotations, providing high-quality ground truth data. Advanced outpainting techniques and image quality assessments ensure visual fidelity and contextual relevance. Augmentation with outpainted vehicles improves overall performance metrics by up to 8% and enhances prediction of underrepresented classes by up to 20%. This approach, exemplifying outpainting as a self-annotating paradigm, presents a solution that enhances dataset versatility across multiple domains of machine learning. The code and links to datasets used in this study are available for further research and replication at
updated: Thu Oct 31 2024 16:46:23 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Oct 31 2024 16:46:23 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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