arXiv reaDer
On Learning Multi-Modal Forgery Representation for Diffusion Generated Video Detection
Large numbers of synthesized videos from diffusion models pose threats to information security and authenticity, leading to an increasing demand for generated content detection. However, existing video-level detection algorithms primarily focus on detecting facial forgeries and often fail to identify diffusion-generated content with a diverse range of semantics. To advance the field of video forensics, we propose an innovative algorithm named Multi-Modal Detection(MM-Det) for detecting diffusion-generated videos. MM-Det utilizes the profound perceptual and comprehensive abilities of Large Multi-modal Models (LMMs) by generating a Multi-Modal Forgery Representation (MMFR) from LMM's multi-modal space, enhancing its ability to detect unseen forgery content. Besides, MM-Det leverages an In-and-Across Frame Attention (IAFA) mechanism for feature augmentation in the spatio-temporal domain. A dynamic fusion strategy helps refine forgery representations for the fusion. Moreover, we construct a comprehensive diffusion video dataset, called Diffusion Video Forensics (DVF), across a wide range of forgery videos. MM-Det achieves state-of-the-art performance in DVF, demonstrating the effectiveness of our algorithm. Both source code and DVF are available at
updated: Thu Oct 31 2024 04:20:47 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Oct 31 2024 04:20:47 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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