arXiv reaDer
VisAidMath: Benchmarking Visual-Aided Mathematical Reasoning
Although previous research on large language models (LLMs) and large multi-modal models (LMMs) has systematically explored mathematical problem-solving (MPS) within visual contexts, the analysis of how these models process visual information during problem-solving remains insufficient. To address this gap, we present VisAidMath, a benchmark for evaluating the MPS process related to visual information. We follow a rigorous data curation pipeline involving both automated processes and manual annotations to ensure data quality and reliability. Consequently, this benchmark includes 1,200 challenging problems from various mathematical branches, vision-aid formulations, and difficulty levels, collected from diverse sources such as textbooks, examination papers, and Olympiad problems. Based on the proposed benchmark, we conduct comprehensive evaluations on ten mainstream LLMs and LMMs, highlighting deficiencies in the visual-aided reasoning process. For example, GPT-4V only achieves 45.33% accuracy in the visual-aided reasoning task, even with a drop of 2 points when provided with golden visual aids. In-depth analysis reveals that the main cause of deficiencies lies in hallucination regarding the implicit visual reasoning process, shedding light on future research directions in the visual-aided MPS process.
updated: Wed Oct 30 2024 13:19:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Oct 30 2024 13:19:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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