arXiv reaDer
Robotic State Recognition with Image-to-Text Retrieval Task of Pre-Trained Vision-Language Model and Black-Box Optimization
State recognition of the environment and objects, such as the open/closed state of doors and the on/off of lights, is indispensable for robots that perform daily life support and security tasks. Until now, state recognition methods have been based on training neural networks from manual annotations, preparing special sensors for the recognition, or manually programming to extract features from point clouds or raw images. In contrast, we propose a robotic state recognition method using a pre-trained vision-language model, which is capable of Image-to-Text Retrieval (ITR) tasks. We prepare several kinds of language prompts in advance, calculate the similarity between these prompts and the current image by ITR, and perform state recognition. By applying the optimal weighting to each prompt using black-box optimization, state recognition can be performed with higher accuracy. Experiments show that this theory enables a variety of state recognitions by simply preparing multiple prompts without retraining neural networks or manual programming. In addition, since only prompts and their weights need to be prepared for each recognizer, there is no need to prepare multiple models, which facilitates resource management. It is possible to recognize the open/closed state of transparent doors, the state of whether water is running or not from a faucet, and even the qualitative state of whether a kitchen is clean or not, which have been challenging so far, through language.
updated: Wed Oct 30 2024 05:34:52 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Oct 30 2024 05:34:52 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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