arXiv reaDer
PACA: Perspective-Aware Cross-Attention Representation for Zero-Shot Scene Rearrangement
Scene rearrangement, like table tidying, is a challenging task in robotic manipulation due to the complexity of predicting diverse object arrangements. Web-scale trained generative models such as Stable Diffusion can aid by generating natural scenes as goals. To facilitate robot execution, object-level representations must be extracted to match the real scenes with the generated goals and to calculate object pose transformations. Current methods typically use a multi-step design that involves separate models for generation, segmentation, and feature encoding, which can lead to a low success rate due to error accumulation. Furthermore, they lack control over the viewing perspectives of the generated goals, restricting the tasks to 3-DoF settings. In this paper, we propose PACA, a zero-shot pipeline for scene rearrangement that leverages perspective-aware cross-attention representation derived from Stable Diffusion. Specifically, we develop a representation that integrates generation, segmentation, and feature encoding into a single step to produce object-level representations. Additionally, we introduce perspective control, thus enabling the matching of 6-DoF camera views and extending past approaches that were limited to 3-DoF top-down views. The efficacy of our method is demonstrated through its zero-shot performance in real robot experiments across various scenes, achieving an average matching accuracy and execution success rate of 87% and 67%, respectively.
updated: Tue Oct 29 2024 14:10:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Oct 29 2024 14:10:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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