arXiv reaDer
ActiveSplat: High-Fidelity Scene Reconstruction through Active Gaussian Splatting
We propose ActiveSplat, an autonomous high-fidelity reconstruction system leveraging Gaussian splatting. Taking advantage of efficient and realistic rendering, the system establishes a unified framework for online mapping, viewpoint selection, and path planning. The key to ActiveSplat is a hybrid map representation that integrates both dense information about the environment and a sparse abstraction of the workspace. Therefore, the system leverages sparse topology for efficient viewpoint sampling and path planning, while exploiting view-dependent dense prediction for viewpoint selection, facilitating efficient decision-making with promising accuracy and completeness. A hierarchical planning strategy based on the topological map is adopted to mitigate repetitive trajectories and improve local granularity given limited budgets, ensuring high-fidelity reconstruction with photorealistic view synthesis. Extensive experiments and ablation studies validate the efficacy of the proposed method in terms of reconstruction accuracy, data coverage, and exploration efficiency. Project page:
updated: Tue Oct 29 2024 11:18:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Oct 29 2024 11:18:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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