arXiv reaDer
Topological numbers and their use to characterize simple points for 2D binary images
In this paper, we adapt the two topological numbers, which have been proposed to efficiently characterize simple points in specific neighborhoods for 3D binary images, to the case of 2D binary images. Unlike the 3D case, we only use a single neighborhood to define these two topological numbers for the 2D case. Then, we characterize simple points either by using the two topological numbers or by a single topological number linked to another one condition. We compare the characterization of simple points by topological numbers with two other ones based on Hilditch crossing number and Yokoi number. We also highlight the number of possible configurations corresponding to a simple point, which also represents the maximum limit of local configurations that a thinning algorithm operating by parallel deletion of simple (individual) points may delete while preserving topology (limit usually not reachable, depending on the deletion strategy).
updated: Mon Oct 28 2024 22:43:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Oct 28 2024 22:43:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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