arXiv reaDer
TV-3DG: Mastering Text-to-3D Customized Generation with Visual Prompt
In recent years, advancements in generative models have significantly expanded the capabilities of text-to-3D generation. Many approaches rely on Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) technology. However, SDS struggles to accommodate multi-condition inputs, such as text and visual prompts, in customized generation tasks. To explore the core reasons, we decompose SDS into a difference term and a classifier-free guidance term. Our analysis identifies the core issue as arising from the difference term and the random noise addition during the optimization process, both contributing to deviations from the target mode during distillation. To address this, we propose a novel algorithm, Classifier Score Matching (CSM), which removes the difference term in SDS and uses a deterministic noise addition process to reduce noise during optimization, effectively overcoming the low-quality limitations of SDS in our customized generation framework. Based on CSM, we integrate visual prompt information with an attention fusion mechanism and sampling guidance techniques, forming the Visual Prompt CSM (VPCSM) algorithm. Furthermore, we introduce a Semantic-Geometry Calibration (SGC) module to enhance quality through improved textual information integration. We present our approach as TV-3DG, with extensive experiments demonstrating its capability to achieve stable, high-quality, customized 3D generation. Project page:
updated: Thu Oct 31 2024 02:13:44 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Oct 16 2024 07:13:09 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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