arXiv reaDer
Deep Learning-Based Fatigue Cracks Detection in Bridge Girders using Feature Pyramid Networks
For structural health monitoring, continuous and automatic crack detection has been a challenging problem. This study is conducted to propose a framework of automatic crack segmentation from high-resolution images containing crack information about steel box girders of bridges. Considering the multi-scale feature of cracks, convolutional neural network architecture of Feature Pyramid Networks (FPN) for crack detection is proposed. As for input, 120 raw images are processed via two approaches (shrinking the size of images and splitting images into sub-images). Then, models with the proposed structure of FPN for crack detection are developed. The result shows all developed models can automatically detect the cracks at the raw images. By shrinking the images, the computation efficiency is improved without decreasing accuracy. Because of the separable characteristic of crack, models using the splitting method provide more accurate crack segmentations than models using the resizing method. Therefore, for high-resolution images, the FPN structure coupled with the splitting method is an promising solution for the crack segmentation and detection.
updated: Mon Oct 28 2024 16:16:15 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Oct 28 2024 16:16:15 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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