arXiv reaDer
Physics-Free Spectrally Multiplexed Photometric Stereo under Unknown Spectral Composition
In this paper, we present a groundbreaking spectrally multiplexed photometric stereo approach for recovering surface normals of dynamic surfaces without the need for calibrated lighting or sensors, a notable advancement in the field traditionally hindered by stringent prerequisites and spectral ambiguity. By embracing spectral ambiguity as an advantage, our technique enables the generation of training data without specialized multispectral rendering frameworks. We introduce a unique, physics-free network architecture, SpectraM-PS, that effectively processes multiplexed images to determine surface normals across a wide range of conditions and material types, without relying on specific physically-based knowledge. Additionally, we establish the first benchmark dataset, SpectraM14, for spectrally multiplexed photometric stereo, facilitating comprehensive evaluations against existing calibrated methods. Our contributions significantly enhance the capabilities for dynamic surface recovery, particularly in uncalibrated setups, marking a pivotal step forward in the application of photometric stereo across various domains.
updated: Mon Oct 28 2024 04:03:37 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Oct 28 2024 04:03:37 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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