arXiv reaDer
Asynchronous Perception Machine For Efficient Test-Time-Training
In this work, we propose Asynchronous Perception Machine (APM), a computationally-efficient architecture for test-time-training (TTT). APM can process patches of an image one at a time in any order asymmetrically, and still encode semantic-awareness in the net. We demonstrate APM's ability to recognize out-of-distribution images without dataset-specific pre-training, augmentation or any-pretext task. APM offers competitive performance over existing TTT approaches. To perform TTT, APM just distills test sample's representation once. APM possesses a unique property: it can learn using just this single representation and starts predicting semantically-aware features. APM demostrates potential applications beyond test-time-training: APM can scale up to a dataset of 2D images and yield semantic-clusterings in a single forward pass. APM also provides first empirical evidence towards validating GLOM's insight, i.e. input percept is a field. Therefore, APM helps us converge towards an implementation which can do both interpolation and perception on a shared-connectionist hardware. Our code is publicly available at this link:
updated: Sun Nov 03 2024 00:44:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Oct 27 2024 17:57:30 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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