arXiv reaDer
Fractal and Turbulent Feature Extraction and NFT Label Generation for Pollock Style Migration Paintings Based on VGG19
This paper puts forth an innovative approach that fuses deep learning, fractal analysis, and turbulence feature extraction techniques to create abstract artworks in the style of Pollock. The content and style characteristics of the image are extracted by the MindSpore deep learning framework and a pre-trained VGG19 model. An optimisation process is then employed to The method generates high-quality Pollock-style images by combining content loss, style loss and full variance loss to achieve accurate style migration. Furthermore, this paper implements a fractal dimension calculation method based on the difference box-counting method, which effectively estimates the fractal dimension of an image through edge extraction and fractal analysis. The method is based on a two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform using a Haar wavelet to decompose the image in order to extract different frequency information. This is followed by the combination of multiple features to generate unique non-homogeneous token (NFT) labels for the authentication and protection of digital artwork. The experimental results demonstrate that the generated artworks exhibit The method demonstrates significant diversity and complexity in terms of fractal dimensions and turbulence features, while the generated NFT tags ensure the uniqueness and tamperability of each digital collection. The present method organically combines computer vision, digital signal processing and blockchain technology to provide a new solution for the creation and authentication of digital artworks.
updated: Sun Nov 03 2024 16:35:27 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Oct 27 2024 17:02:11 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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