arXiv reaDer
UniVST: A Unified Framework for Training-free Localized Video Style Transfer
This paper presents UniVST, a unified framework for localized video style transfer. It operates without the need for training, offering a distinct advantage over existing methods that transfer style across entire videos. The endeavors of this paper comprise: (1) A point-matching mask propagation strategy that leverages feature maps from the DDIM inversion. This streamlines the model's architecture by obviating the need for tracking models. (2) An AdaIN-guided style transfer mechanism that operates at both the latent and attention levels. This balances content fidelity and style richness, mitigating the loss of localized details commonly associated with direct video stylization. (3) A sliding window smoothing strategy that harnesses optical flow within the pixel representation and refines predicted noise to update the latent space. This significantly enhances temporal consistency and diminishes artifacts in video outputs. Our proposed UniVST has been validated to be superior to existing methods in quantitative and qualitative metrics. It adeptly addresses the challenges of preserving the primary object's style while ensuring temporal consistency and detail preservation.
updated: Sat Oct 26 2024 05:28:02 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Oct 26 2024 05:28:02 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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