arXiv reaDer
Transforming Precision: A Comparative Analysis of Vision Transformers, CNNs, and Traditional ML for Knee Osteoarthritis Severity Diagnosis
Knee osteoarthritis(KO) is a degenerative joint disease that can cause severe pain and impairment. With increased prevalence, precise diagnosis by medical imaging analytics is crucial for appropriate illness management. This research investigates a comparative analysis between traditional machine learning techniques and new deep learning models for diagnosing KO severity from X-ray pictures. This study does not introduce new architectural innovations but rather illuminates the robust applicability and comparative effectiveness of pre-existing ViT models in a medical imaging context, specifically for KO severity diagnosis. The insights garnered from this comparative analysis advocate for the integration of advanced ViT models in clinical diagnostic workflows, potentially revolutionizing the precision and reliability of KO assessments. This study does not introduce new architectural innovations but rather illuminates the robust applicability and comparative effectiveness of pre-existing ViT models in a medical imaging context, specifically for KO severity diagnosis. The insights garnered from this comparative analysis advocate for the integration of advanced ViT models in clinical diagnostic workflows, potentially revolutionizing the precision & reliability of KO assessments. The study utilizes an osteoarthritis dataset from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) comprising images with 5 severity categories and uneven class distribution. While classic machine learning models like GaussianNB and KNN struggle in feature extraction, Convolutional Neural Networks such as Inception-V3, VGG-19 achieve better accuracy between 55-65% by learning hierarchical visual patterns. However, Vision Transformer architectures like Da-VIT, GCViT and MaxViT emerge as indisputable champions, displaying 66.14% accuracy, 0.703 precision, 0.614 recall, AUC exceeding 0.835 thanks to self-attention processes.
updated: Sat Oct 26 2024 03:58:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Oct 26 2024 03:58:58 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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