arXiv reaDer
Tracking and triangulating firefly flashes in field recordings
Identifying firefly flashes from other bright features in nature images is complicated. I provide a training dataset and trained neural networks for reliable flash classification. The training set consists of thousands of cropped images (patches) extracted by manual labeling from video recordings of fireflies in their natural habitat. The trained network appears as considerably more reliable to differentiate flashes from other sources of light compared to traditional methods relying solely on intensity thresholding. This robust tracking enables a new calibration-free method for the 3D reconstruction of flash occurrences from stereoscopic 360-degree videos, which I also present here.
updated: Fri Oct 25 2024 19:07:55 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Oct 25 2024 19:07:55 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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