arXiv reaDer
SegLLM: Multi-round Reasoning Segmentation
We present SegLLM, a novel multi-round interactive reasoning segmentation model that enhances LLM-based segmentation by exploiting conversational memory of both visual and textual outputs. By leveraging a mask-aware multimodal LLM, SegLLM re-integrates previous segmentation results into its input stream, enabling it to reason about complex user intentions and segment objects in relation to previously identified entities, including positional, interactional, and hierarchical relationships, across multiple interactions. This capability allows SegLLM to respond to visual and text queries in a chat-like manner. Evaluated on the newly curated MRSeg benchmark, SegLLM outperforms existing methods in multi-round interactive reasoning segmentation by over 20%. Additionally, we observed that training on multi-round reasoning segmentation data enhances performance on standard single-round referring segmentation and localization tasks, resulting in a 5.5% increase in cIoU for referring expression segmentation and a 4.5% improvement in Acc@0.5 for referring expression localization.
updated: Thu Oct 31 2024 19:44:05 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Oct 24 2024 17:11:52 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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