arXiv reaDer
E2E-Swin-Unet++: An Enhanced End-to-End Swin-Unet Architecture With Dual Decoders For PTMC Segmentation
Efficiently managing papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC) while minimizing patient discomfort poses a significant clinical challenge. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) offers a less invasive alternative to surgery and radiation therapy for PTMC treatment, characterized by shorter recovery times and reduced pain. As an image-guided procedure, RFA generates localized heat by delivering high-frequency electrical currents through electrodes to the targeted area under ultrasound imaging guidance. However, the precision and skill required by operators for accurate guidance using current ultrasound B-mode imaging technologies remain significant challenges. To address these challenges, we develop a novel AI segmentation model, E2E-Swin-Unet++. This model enhances ultrasound B-mode imaging by enabling real-time identification and segmentation of PTMC tumors and monitoring of the region of interest for precise targeting during treatment. E2E-Swin- Unet++ is an advanced end-to-end extension of the Swin-Unet architecture, incorporating thyroid region information to minimize the risk of false PTMC segmentation while providing fast inference capabilities. Experimental results on a real clinical RFA dataset demonstrate the superior performance of E2E-Swin-Unet++ compared to related models. Our proposed solution significantly improves the precision and control of RFA ablation treatment by enabling real-time identification and segmentation of PTMC margins during the procedure.
updated: Wed Oct 23 2024 19:33:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Oct 23 2024 19:33:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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