arXiv reaDer
AVID: Adapting Video Diffusion Models to World Models
Large-scale generative models have achieved remarkable success in a number of domains. However, for sequential decision-making problems, such as robotics, action-labelled data is often scarce and therefore scaling-up foundation models for decision-making remains a challenge. A potential solution lies in leveraging widely-available unlabelled videos to train world models that simulate the consequences of actions. If the world model is accurate, it can be used to optimize decision-making in downstream tasks. Image-to-video diffusion models are already capable of generating highly realistic synthetic videos. However, these models are not action-conditioned, and the most powerful models are closed-source which means they cannot be finetuned. In this work, we propose to adapt pretrained video diffusion models to action-conditioned world models, without access to the parameters of the pretrained model. Our approach, AVID, trains an adapter on a small domain-specific dataset of action-labelled videos. AVID uses a learned mask to modify the intermediate outputs of the pretrained model and generate accurate action-conditioned videos. We evaluate AVID on video game and real-world robotics data, and show that it outperforms existing baselines for diffusion model adaptation.1 Our results demonstrate that if utilized correctly, pretrained video models have the potential to be powerful tools for embodied AI.
updated: Sun Nov 24 2024 19:37:04 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Oct 01 2024 13:48:31 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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