arXiv reaDer
SlideChat: A Large Vision-Language Assistant for Whole-Slide Pathology Image Understanding
Despite the progress made by multimodal large language models (MLLMs) in computational pathology, they remain limited by a predominant focus on patch-level analysis, missing essential contextual information at the whole-slide level. The lack of large-scale instruction datasets and the gigapixel scale of whole slide images (WSIs) pose significant developmental challenges. In this paper, we present SlideChat, the first vision-language assistant capable of understanding gigapixel whole-slide images, exhibiting excellent multimodal conversational capability and response complex instruction across diverse pathology scenarios. To support its development, we created SlideInstruction, the largest instruction-following dataset for WSIs consisting of 4.2K WSI captions and 176K VQA pairs with multiple categories. Furthermore, we propose SlideBench, a multimodal benchmark that incorporates captioning and VQA tasks to assess SlideChat's capabilities in varied clinical settings such as microscopy, diagnosis. Compared to both general and specialized MLLMs, SlideChat exhibits exceptional capabilities achieving state-of-the-art performance on 18 of 22 tasks. For example, it achieved an overall accuracy of 81.17% on SlideBench-VQA (TCGA), and 54.15% on SlideBench-VQA (BCNB). We will fully release SlideChat, SlideInstruction and SlideBench as open-source resources to facilitate research and development in computational pathology.
updated: Thu Oct 24 2024 08:35:28 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Tue Oct 15 2024 16:33:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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