arXiv reaDer
Minority-Focused Text-to-Image Generation via Prompt Optimization
We investigate the generation of minority samples using pretrained text-to-image (T2I) latent diffusion models. Minority instances, in the context of T2I generation, can be defined as ones living on low-density regions of text-conditional data distributions. They are valuable for various applications of modern T2I generators, such as data augmentation and creative AI. Unfortunately, existing pretrained T2I diffusion models primarily focus on high-density regions, largely due to the influence of guided samplers (like CFG) that are essential for producing high-quality generations. To address this, we present a novel framework to counter the high-density-focus of T2I diffusion models. Specifically, we first develop an online prompt optimization framework that can encourage the emergence of desired properties during inference while preserving semantic contents of user-provided prompts. We subsequently tailor this generic prompt optimizer into a specialized solver that promotes the generation of minority features by incorporating a carefully-crafted likelihood objective. Our comprehensive experiments, conducted across various types of T2I models, demonstrate that our approach significantly enhances the capability to produce high-quality minority instances compared to existing samplers.
updated: Mon Nov 25 2024 10:30:36 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Oct 10 2024 11:56:09 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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