arXiv reaDer
Enhancing Performance of Point Cloud Completion Networks with Consistency Loss
Point cloud completion networks are conventionally trained to minimize the disparities between the completed point cloud and the ground-truth counterpart. However, an incomplete object-level point cloud can have multiple valid completion solutions when it is examined in isolation. This one-to-many mapping issue can cause contradictory supervision signals to the network because the loss function may produce different values for identical input-output pairs of the network. In many cases, this issue could adversely affect the network optimization process. In this work, we propose to enhance the conventional learning objective using a novel completion consistency loss to mitigate the one-to-many mapping problem. Specifically, the proposed consistency loss ensure that a point cloud completion network generates a coherent completion solution for incomplete objects originating from the same source point cloud. Experimental results across multiple well-established datasets and benchmarks demonstrated the proposed completion consistency loss have excellent capability to enhance the completion performance of various existing networks without any modification to the design of the networks. The proposed consistency loss enhances the performance of the point completion network without affecting the inference speed, thereby increasing the accuracy of point cloud completion. Notably, a state-of-the-art point completion network trained with the proposed consistency loss can achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on the challenging new MVP dataset. The code and result of experiment various point completion models using proposed consistency loss will be available at: .
updated: Mon Oct 14 2024 16:36:49 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Oct 09 2024 17:07:34 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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