arXiv reaDer
AI-Based Fully Automatic Analysis of Retinal Vascular Morphology in Pediatric High Myopia
Purpose: To investigate the changes in retinal vascular structures associated various stages of myopia by designing automated software based on an artif intelligencemodel. Methods: The study involved 1324 pediatric participants from the National Childr Medical Center in China, and 2366 high-quality retinal images and correspon refractive parameters were obtained and analyzed. Spherical equivalent refrac(SER) degree was calculated. We proposed a data analysis model based c combination of the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) model and the atter module to classify images, segment vascular structures, and measure vasc parameters, such as main angle (MA), branching angle (BA), bifurcation edge al(BEA) and bifurcation edge coefficient (BEC). One-way ANOVA compared param measurements betweenthenormalfundus,lowmyopia,moderate myopia,and high myopia group. Results: There were 279 (12.38%) images in normal group and 384 (16.23%) images in the high myopia group. Compared normal fundus, the MA of fundus vessels in different myopic refractive groups significantly reduced (P = 0.006, P = 0.004, P = 0.019, respectively), and performance of the venous system was particularly obvious (P<0.001). At the sa time, the BEC decreased disproportionately (P<0.001). Further analysis of fundus vascular parameters at different degrees of myopia showed that there were also significant differences in BA and branching coefficient (BC). The arterial BA value of the fundus vessel in the high myopia group was lower than that of other groups (P : 0.032, 95% confidence interval [Ci], 0.22-4.86), while the venous BA values increased(P = 0.026). The BEC values of high myopia were higher than those of low and moderate myopia groups. When the loss function of our data classification model converged to 0.09,the model accuracy reached 94.19%
updated: Mon Sep 30 2024 15:43:06 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 30 2024 15:43:06 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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