arXiv reaDer
Devil is in Details: Locality-Aware 3D Abdominal CT Volume Generation for Self-Supervised Organ Segmentation
In the realm of medical image analysis, self-supervised learning (SSL) techniques have emerged to alleviate labeling demands, while still facing the challenge of training data scarcity owing to escalating resource requirements and privacy constraints. Numerous efforts employ generative models to generate high-fidelity, unlabeled 3D volumes across diverse modalities and anatomical regions. However, the intricate and indistinguishable anatomical structures within the abdomen pose a unique challenge to abdominal CT volume generation compared to other anatomical regions. To address the overlooked challenge, we introduce the Locality-Aware Diffusion (Lad), a novel method tailored for exquisite 3D abdominal CT volume generation. We design a locality loss to refine crucial anatomical regions and devise a condition extractor to integrate abdominal priori into generation, thereby enabling the generation of large quantities of high-quality abdominal CT volumes essential for SSL tasks without the need for additional data such as labels or radiology reports. Volumes generated through our method demonstrate remarkable fidelity in reproducing abdominal structures, achieving a decrease in FID score from 0.0034 to 0.0002 on AbdomenCT-1K dataset, closely mirroring authentic data and surpassing current methods. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in self-supervised organ segmentation tasks, resulting in an improvement in mean Dice scores on two abdominal datasets effectively. These results underscore the potential of synthetic data to advance self-supervised learning in medical image analysis.
updated: Mon Sep 30 2024 14:35:53 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 30 2024 14:35:53 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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