arXiv reaDer
Learning to Discover Generalized Facial Expressions
We introduce Facial Expression Category Discovery (FECD), a novel task in the domain of open-world facial expression recognition (O-FER). While Generalized Category Discovery (GCD) has been explored in natural image datasets, applying it to facial expressions presents unique challenges. Specifically, we identify two key biases to better understand these challenges: Theoretical Bias-arising from the introduction of new categories in unlabeled training data, and Practical Bias-stemming from the imbalanced and fine-grained nature of facial expression data. To address these challenges, we propose FER-GCD, an adversarial approach that integrates both implicit and explicit debiasing components. In the implicit debiasing process, we devise F-discrepancy, a novel metric used to estimate the upper bound of Theoretical Bias, helping the model minimize this upper bound through adversarial training. The explicit debiasing process further optimizes the feature generator and classifier to reduce Practical Bias. Extensive experiments on GCD-based FER datasets demonstrate that our FER-GCD framework significantly improves accuracy on both old and new categories, achieving an average improvement of 9.8% over the baseline and outperforming state-of-the-art methods.
updated: Mon Sep 30 2024 08:50:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 30 2024 08:50:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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