arXiv reaDer
Multibiometrics Using a Single Face Image
Multibiometrics, which uses multiple biometric traits to improve recognition performance instead of using only one biometric trait to authenticate individuals, has been investigated. Previous studies have combined individually acquired biometric traits or have not fully considered the convenience of the system.Focusing on a single face image, we propose a novel multibiometric method that combines five biometric traits, i.e., face, iris, periocular, nose, eyebrow, that can be extracted from a single face image. The proposed method does not sacrifice the convenience of biometrics since only a single face image is used as input.Through a variety of experiments using the CASIA Iris Distance database, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed multibiometrics method.
updated: Mon Sep 30 2024 06:55:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 30 2024 06:55:01 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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