arXiv reaDer
Replace Anyone in Videos
Recent advancements in controllable human-centric video generation, particularly with the rise of diffusion models, have demonstrated considerable progress. However, achieving precise and localized control over human motion, e.g., replacing or inserting individuals into videos while exhibiting desired motion patterns, still remains challenging. In this work, we propose the ReplaceAnyone framework, which focuses on localizing and manipulating human motion in videos with diverse and intricate backgrounds. Specifically, we formulate this task as an image-conditioned pose-driven video inpainting paradigm, employing a unified video diffusion architecture that facilitates image-conditioned pose-driven video generation and inpainting within masked video regions. Moreover, we introduce diverse mask forms involving regular and irregular shapes to avoid shape leakage and allow granular local control. Additionally, we implement a two-stage training methodology, initially training an image-conditioned pose driven video generation model, followed by joint training of the video inpainting within masked areas. In this way, our approach enables seamless replacement or insertion of characters while maintaining the desired pose motion and reference appearance within a single framework. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in generating realistic and coherent video content.
updated: Mon Sep 30 2024 03:27:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Mon Sep 30 2024 03:27:33 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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