arXiv reaDer
Hyperspectral Unmixing of Agricultural Images taken from UAV Using Adapted U-Net Architecture
The hyperspectral unmixing method is an algorithm that extracts material (usually called endmember) data from hyperspectral data cube pixels along with their abundances. Due to a lower spatial resolution of hyperspectral sensors data in each of the pixels may contain mixed information from multiple endmembers. In this paper we create a hyperspectral unmixing dataset, created from blueberry field data gathered by a hyperspectral camera mounted on a UAV. We also propose a hyperspectral unmixing algorithm based on U-Net network architecture to achieve more accurate unmixing results on existing and newly created hyperspectral unmixing datasets.
updated: Sun Sep 29 2024 13:24:48 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Sep 29 2024 13:24:48 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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