arXiv reaDer
BuildingView: Constructing Urban Building Exteriors Databases with Street View Imagery and Multimodal Large Language Mode
Urban Building Exteriors are increasingly important in urban analytics, driven by advancements in Street View Imagery and its integration with urban research. Multimodal Large Language Models (LLMs) offer powerful tools for urban annotation, enabling deeper insights into urban environments. However, challenges remain in creating accurate and detailed urban building exterior databases, identifying critical indicators for energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, and human-centric design, and systematically organizing these indicators. To address these challenges, we propose BuildingView, a novel approach that integrates high-resolution visual data from Google Street View with spatial information from OpenStreetMap via the Overpass API. This research improves the accuracy of urban building exterior data, identifies key sustainability and design indicators, and develops a framework for their extraction and categorization. Our methodology includes a systematic literature review, building and Street View sampling, and annotation using the ChatGPT-4O API. The resulting database, validated with data from New York City, Amsterdam, and Singapore, provides a comprehensive tool for urban studies, supporting informed decision-making in urban planning, architectural design, and environmental policy. The code for BuildingView is available at
updated: Sun Sep 29 2024 03:00:16 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Sep 29 2024 03:00:16 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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