arXiv reaDer
IWN: Image Watermarking Based on Idempotency
In the expanding field of digital media, maintaining the strength and integrity of watermarking technology is becoming increasingly challenging. This paper, inspired by the Idempotent Generative Network (IGN), explores the prospects of introducing idempotency into image watermark processing and proposes an innovative neural network model - the Idempotent Watermarking Network (IWN). The proposed model, which focuses on enhancing the recovery quality of color image watermarks, leverages idempotency to ensure superior image reversibility. This feature ensures that, even if color image watermarks are attacked or damaged, they can be effectively projected and mapped back to their original state. Therefore, the extracted watermarks have unquestionably increased quality. The IWN model achieves a balance between embedding capacity and robustness, alleviating to some extent the inherent contradiction between these two factors in traditional watermarking techniques and steganography methods.
updated: Sun Sep 29 2024 01:29:34 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sun Sep 29 2024 01:29:34 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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