arXiv reaDer
CLIP-MoE: Towards Building Mixture of Experts for CLIP with Diversified Multiplet Upcycling
In recent years, Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) has become a cornerstone in multimodal intelligence. However, recent studies have identified that the information loss in the CLIP encoding process is substantial, and CLIP tends to capture only coarse-grained features from the input. This deficiency significantly limits the ability of a single CLIP model to handle images rich in visual detail. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective model-agnostic strategy, Diversified Multiplet Upcycling (DMU), for CLIP. DMU efficiently fine-tunes a series of CLIP models that capture different feature spaces, from a dense pre-trained CLIP checkpoint, sharing parameters except for the Feed-Forward Network (FFN). These models can then be transformed into a CLIP-MoE with a larger model capacity, leading to significantly enhanced performance with minimal computational overhead. To the best of our knowledge, Diversified Multiplet Upcycling is the first approach to introduce sparsely activated MoE into CLIP foundation models. Extensive experiments demonstrate the significant performance of CLIP-MoE across various zero-shot retrieval, zero-shot image classification tasks, and downstream Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM) benchmarks by serving as a vision encoder. Furthermore, Diversified Multiplet Upcycling enables the conversion of any dense CLIP model into CLIP-MoEs, which can seamlessly replace CLIP in a plug-and-play manner without requiring further adaptation in downstream frameworks. Through Diversified Multiplet Upcycling, we aim to provide valuable insights for future research on developing more efficient and effective multimodal learning systems.
updated: Sat Sep 28 2024 09:28:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Sat Sep 28 2024 09:28:51 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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