arXiv reaDer
Feature Estimation of Global Language Processing in EEG Using Attention Maps
Understanding the correlation between EEG features and cognitive tasks is crucial for elucidating brain function. Brain activity synchronizes during speaking and listening tasks. However, it is challenging to estimate task-dependent brain activity characteristics with methods with low spatial resolution but high temporal resolution, such as EEG, rather than methods with high spatial resolution, like fMRI. This study introduces a novel approach to EEG feature estimation that utilizes the weights of deep learning models to explore this association. We demonstrate that attention maps generated from Vision Transformers and EEGNet effectively identify features that align with findings from prior studies. EEGNet emerged as the most accurate model regarding subject independence and the classification of Listening and Speaking tasks. The application of Mel-Spectrogram with ViTs enhances the resolution of temporal and frequency-related EEG characteristics. Our findings reveal that the characteristics discerned through attention maps vary significantly based on the input data, allowing for tailored feature extraction from EEG signals. By estimating features, our study reinforces known attributes and predicts new ones, potentially offering fresh perspectives in utilizing EEG for medical purposes, such as early disease detection. These techniques will make substantial contributions to cognitive neuroscience.
updated: Fri Sep 27 2024 22:52:31 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Fri Sep 27 2024 22:52:31 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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