arXiv reaDer
SOAR: Self-supervision Optimized UAV Action Recognition with Efficient Object-Aware Pretraining
We introduce SOAR, a novel Self-supervised pretraining algorithm for aerial footage captured by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). We incorporate human object knowledge throughout the pretraining process to enhance UAV video pretraining efficiency and downstream action recognition performance. This is in contrast to prior works that primarily incorporate object information during the fine-tuning stage. Specifically, we first propose a novel object-aware masking strategy designed to retain the visibility of certain patches related to objects throughout the pretraining phase. Second, we introduce an object-aware loss function that utilizes object information to adjust the reconstruction loss, preventing bias towards less informative background patches. In practice, SOAR with a vanilla ViT backbone, outperforms best UAV action recognition models, recording a 9.7% and 21.4% boost in top-1 accuracy on the NEC-Drone and UAV-Human datasets, while delivering an inference speed of 18.7ms per video, making it 2x to 5x faster. Additionally, SOAR obtains comparable accuracy to prior self-supervised learning (SSL) methods while requiring 87.5% less pretraining time and 25% less memory usage
updated: Thu Sep 26 2024 21:15:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Sep 26 2024 21:15:22 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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