arXiv reaDer
Robotic-CLIP: Fine-tuning CLIP on Action Data for Robotic Applications
Vision language models have played a key role in extracting meaningful features for various robotic applications. Among these, Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) is widely used in robotic tasks that require both vision and natural language understanding. However, CLIP was trained solely on static images paired with text prompts and has not yet been fully adapted for robotic tasks involving dynamic actions. In this paper, we introduce Robotic-CLIP to enhance robotic perception capabilities. We first gather and label large-scale action data, and then build our Robotic-CLIP by fine-tuning CLIP on 309,433 videos (~7.4 million frames) of action data using contrastive learning. By leveraging action data, Robotic-CLIP inherits CLIP's strong image performance while gaining the ability to understand actions in robotic contexts. Intensive experiments show that our Robotic-CLIP outperforms other CLIP-based models across various language-driven robotic tasks. Additionally, we demonstrate the practical effectiveness of Robotic-CLIP in real-world grasping applications.
updated: Thu Sep 26 2024 10:56:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Thu Sep 26 2024 10:56:35 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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