arXiv reaDer
Adverse Weather Optical Flow: Cumulative Homogeneous-Heterogeneous Adaptation
Optical flow has made great progress in clean scenes, while suffers degradation under adverse weather due to the violation of the brightness constancy and gradient continuity assumptions of optical flow. Typically, existing methods mainly adopt domain adaptation to transfer motion knowledge from clean to degraded domain through one-stage adaptation. However, this direct adaptation is ineffective, since there exists a large gap due to adverse weather and scene style between clean and real degraded domains. Moreover, even within the degraded domain itself, static weather (e.g., fog) and dynamic weather (e.g., rain) have different impacts on optical flow. To address above issues, we explore synthetic degraded domain as an intermediate bridge between clean and real degraded domains, and propose a cumulative homogeneous-heterogeneous adaptation framework for real adverse weather optical flow. Specifically, for clean-degraded transfer, our key insight is that static weather possesses the depth-association homogeneous feature which does not change the intrinsic motion of the scene, while dynamic weather additionally introduces the heterogeneous feature which results in a significant boundary discrepancy in warp errors between clean and degraded domains. For synthetic-real transfer, we figure out that cost volume correlation shares a similar statistical histogram between synthetic and real degraded domains, benefiting to holistically aligning the homogeneous correlation distribution for synthetic-real knowledge distillation. Under this unified framework, the proposed method can progressively and explicitly transfer knowledge from clean scenes to real adverse weather. In addition, we further collect a real adverse weather dataset with manually annotated optical flow labels and perform extensive experiments to verify the superiority of the proposed method.
updated: Wed Sep 25 2024 15:05:03 GMT+0000 (UTC)
published: Wed Sep 25 2024 15:05:03 GMT+0000 (UTC)
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